



Individual coaching

6 Month Program

Heal and re/discover yourself after heartbreak through the self-mastery of yoga, meditation, paradigm-shifting & flow.

Are you feeling lost after a heartbreak whether the loss of a job, end of a relationship or the loss of a loved one?

After several months and years after the heartbreak do you feel you haven't really moved forwards?

Would you like to explore who you are and what you would like to do with your life now and going forward?

What if...

  • Your heartbreak cracked you open to discover a new side of you and life?

  • You started a self mastery routine that kept your body, mind and spirit robust enough to weather life's vicissitudes?

  • You discovered more of what you love, the gifts you have and how to give them to yourselves and others to make your and other people's lives better?

A little about me...

I'm Towani Clarke. I am a yoga teacher, creative and nurturer of evolution who works with people going through heartbreak whether from the loss of a job, end of a relationship or death of a loved one to help them use self-mastery to re/claim their power, gifts, joy and purpose.

I've spent several years working in management in companies ranging from farms, a business consultancy to a law firm. After walking out of my 1st marriage heartbroken and hitting the glass ceiling, I realized I had been taking the path of least resistance all my life, merely doing what I thought I should or could do. This time, I summoned the courage to ask myself "What in my heart of hearts do I want to do?" Unexpectedly the answer was teach yoga and design clothes.

So in 2009, I left my steady corporate job to start a yoga business & a women's afro chic clothing brand. I loved working with my clients in general yoga classes to help them overcome injuries physical and emotional to find joy again, re/gain confidence in themselves and move forward.

In 2021, I realized, that I wanted to work in deeper and more meaningful ways than a general yoga practice allowed and started developing the Re/discover Yourself after Heartbreak program that would help my clients use their heartbreak to crack open their lives to new sides of themselves and life through the healing and self-mastery practices of yoga, meditation coupled with other paradigm shifting modalites. In this way allowing my clients to heal, grow, re/discover their gifts to improve their lives, the lives of the people around them and ripple out to the community and world around them..

The modules in the 6 month Re/discover Yourself after Heartbreak Program are ...

Module 1: Connection

We start by understanding some of the nervous system responses to heartbreak and why we are wired this way. This understanding helps us be more compassionate with ourselves on what is happening in our body and how we can use this understanding to devise more helpful coping and healing mechanisms.

Module 2: Release -ve's

Together we will look at, accept and release emotions and thoughts that are no longer serving you. This means that you have more energy and resources to focus on aspects that are currently helpful to you and where you want to be.

Module 3: Add +ve's

Releasing that which no longer serves you means you have more space to bring in fresh new uplifting energy. Our energetic state is ripples through and around us affecting how we feel and experience the world around us.

Module 4: Alchemy

Magic can happen when we realize we can turn negatives into positives. For example, some of our weaknesses can be turned on their head to become strengths. The personal self-mastery practice of yoga and meditation will help you develop the awareness and introspection to help with this and other developments.

Module 5: Find flow

Often heartbreak is a disconnection from a source of joy and fulfilment.

Re/discovering activities that take you into the flow state of bliss, being fully in the moment using your gifts can bring a new or forgotten sense of joy in life. This can also allow you to tap (more) fully into your gifts and perhaps into a sense of purpose on how you can improve the lives of yourself and others.

Module 6: Sustainability

Life keeps throwing us curve balls so it helps you to be grounded in supportive connection, releasing what no longer serves , topping up with uplifting energy, bringing in alchemy and spending more time in your flow. We want you to establish these nourishing, energying, self-mastery, joyful practices as routines that become habits so that continue to benefit you.

What You Get...

The material each month in the 6 month program focuses on one of the modules (above). Each month you'll have in line with the theme of the month:

Monthly Individual Access to:

  • A choice of 20 live group yoga classes to choose from, designed to develop awareness

  • Recorded yoga classes on demand

  • Guidance on your meditation style

  • Paradigm shifting course material

  • Self-reflection course exercises

Monthly 1:1 Personalised Sessions:

  • a consultation with the expert of the month

  • a coaching session with Towani

  • an accountability session to keep you on track

This is for you if....

  • You feel ready for a change in your life but are not sure what that change looks like

  • You want to move forward after heartbreak or the dissolution of a relationship

  • You are willing to do the work on a consistent basis

  • You are open to new ways of looking at yourself and life to go forward.

  • You are determined to learn and maintain a self-mastery self practice for your continued growth and evolution.

  • You would like individual attention and customization of 1:1 sessions

  • You are willing to commit resources to the process

  • You want to live your life giving (more) of your gifts for more joy, for the people around you


  • Discounted rates on classes, sessions and retreats

  • 6 months worth of yoga classes for completing the program

  • A personalised strategy and plan to continue with after the program

  • Awareness of a number modalites and perspectives to help you going forward

Why is this different to any other program?

The program is holistic focusing on and aligning: body, heart, mind and spirit. This is reflected in the elements of the program..

Individualised support, you are unique and so are your needs. I want to give you the support you need in the particular moment.

You set your own direction of growth and discovery. We are all about healthy boundaries as you create your new flow.

What clients have to say about Towani...

Anisa Richmond says Towani has the "TRUE gift of mending the heart and allowing love once lost to resurface"

Audrey Situkali share "Discovering yoga (with Towani) some 3 years ago is one of the bes things that's happened to me"


What if I've never done yoga or meditated?

You don't already need to have done yoga or meditated before to benefit from the program. Towani has worked with many newbies.

What if I am in another program or therapy?

Often, other programs or therapy will complement Re/discover Yourself after Heartbreak program. We are happy to hear about what else you are doing.

I can't make all the live yoga classes

That is ok, the value you will get from the replays that you do in your own time will still be amazing.

Does the program only work with recent heartbreak?

Sometimes passage of time doesn't always mean we have moved on and therefore the program can help.

Begin your re/discovery..


$597 per month

Minimum commitment is 6 months

You will get....

  • Paradigm shifting course access

  • Reflective course work

  • A Coaching Call per month

  • A 1:1 session with the expert of the month

  • Monthly Accountability Call

  • Live yoga classes tailored to you

  • Recorded yoga classes

  • Meditation guidance

  • BONUS: Discounts going forward and a completion gift of 6 months extra of yoga classes